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Technical Officials

We are committed to creating positive swimming experiences for everyone in our sport. To support our officials, we have created this webpage to be an information and education page.


Check out this webpage to find education resources, updates and information about officiating in New Zealand

Officials Education

Following the announcement of our updated pathway for technical officials, we are working on our education offering with the intention to have some offerings available in early 2024. Watch this space for more opportunities to help develop your skills as an official.

Officials Newsletters

As part of our commitment to supporting officials, we introduced newsletters to officials in 2023. Please see some of the recent newsletters below.

If you'd like to receive these newsletters moving forward, please contact


Officials Newsletter



Officials Newsletter



Officials Newsletter



Officials Newsletter


Mentorship Programme

As part of the new officials pathway, we are developing a mentorship programme to support officials development at two levels:

  • Referees and Starters who aspire to officiate at national events

  • Referees and Starters who aspire to officiate at international events and to be considered for the World Aquatics List

We will have additional information on these programmes coming soon in 2024.

World Aquatics List - Pool

We are fortunate to have some NZ officials who are represented on the international stage. The following officials have been selected by World Aquatics as either Starters or Referees to be eligible for appointment to World Aquatics meets within a 4-year period.

List #21 (2021 - 2024)

  • Ron Clarke (Referee)

  • Jacqui Forsythe (Referee)

  • Carlrine Gillespie (Referee)

  • Jo Russell (Starter)

List #22 (2023 - 2026)

  • Christine Cassin (Referee)

  • Greg Forsythe (Referee)

  • Ross Gillespie (Starter)

  • Alan Hale (Starter)

  • Gavin Ion (Referee)

Lesley Huckins is also on the World Aquatics Technical Swimming Committee

Technical Advisory Committee

We have a great group providing advice so we can best support our officials in New Zealand. Please see the committee members below

Click here to view the TAC Terms of Reference


We have provided some useful resources to assist you at events and your development as a technical official.

Head of Participation, Competitions & Engagement
Dale Johnson
Technical Official & Volunteer Development Lead
Carlrine Gillespie
All Stars Representative
Hugh Allan

All Stars Representative
Jasmine Hardy Mills


Aquaknights Representative

Janet Joblin


Aquaknights Representative

Stu Woods


Harlequins Representative

Dawn Dutton


Harlequins Representative

Ross Gillespie


Makos Representative

Ron Clarke


Makos Representative

Yvonnette Fox


World Aquatics List - Open Water

We are fortunate to have some NZ officials who are represented on the international stage. The following officials have been selected by World Aquatics to be eligible for appointment to World Aquatics meets within a 4-year period.

List #14 (2021 - 2024)

  • Greg Forsythe

List #15 (2023 - 2024)

  • Ross Gillespie

  • Celia Honiss

  • Debra Mahony

  • Paul Matson

John West is also on the World Aquatics OW Technical Swimming Committee as Honorary Secretary

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